I would be honored to review your LEVEL 1 - Freedom Package Documents BEFORE notarized....
Make sure you get your LEVEL 1 Documents Reviewed! There has only been a couple that didn't need any changes. Remember Format matters, this is a...
Is this consider parse syntax, :FirstName-MiddleName; .LastName:
There are various uses for the word Abatement, going to guess it's Abatement of Freehold, which would be my AOR.
Authenticated Certificate is when you send the BC to the state to get authenticated and then again to the FEDs to get it authenticated a second...
Abatement needs to be looked up in the 1st edition of Blacks Law Dictionary I can't add the pdf file here since it is over 8MB .. I will try to...
And what is an "Abatement Letter"? I sent my AOR to SOS Louisiana, and SOS North Carolina.
Question: Revocation of Election - What # is considered "US Authenticated Certificate of Live Birth #? I have 2 on my BC One on the Left Top in Red...
LEVEL 1 Freedom Bundle Document Review, Tips & Tricks & MORECan someone please email me the PON template at buffaloefarms@yahoo.com? I cannot open it on the website. The one on the thumb drive does not have...
Wow, thank you for your time and expertise. I agree with Julia's comment that it's like having an angel helping.
It was an honor to work with each and everyone! If you have a moment or two... Please evaluate my services if I have reviewed your documents. Thank...
LEVEL 1 Freedom Bundle Document Review, Tips & Tricks & MORE⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ You are amazing, and I look forward to working with you as I proceed into level II
If you want to know what words/diction means for the four founding documents then you need to look in legal dictionary’s from 1775-80 and so on...If you want to know what words/diction means for the four founding documents then you need to look in legal dictionary’s from 1775-80 and so on. Don’t look in a modern day dictionary or you will change meaning Show more
What is an emolument and why is it important to know the answer ?
Make sure you get your LEVEL 1 Documents Reviewed! There has only been a couple that didn't need any changes. Remember Format matters, this is a legal document not a term paper. Diction is way sharper than a sword, so learn it to use it.