Julia Jacobs is friends with Patriot Dave

Timothy Elias Williams and 3 others have liked Group 2 years ago
Misty and 32 others have joined the group South Carolina Republic (Level One) 2 years ago

Cindy zackman is friends with Julia Jacobs

Julia Jacobs is friends with Douglas Nelson

Julia Jacobs is friends with Bonnie Conforti

Julia Jacobs is friends with John Davis

Julia Jacobs is friends with Jamie Skean

Julia Jacobs is friends with Bobby Lawrence

Julia Jacobs is friends with Carrie-Marie

Julia Jacobs is friends with Bruce Cherry

Hey ASNs, we mailed our AORs today. We had 6 cerified & 2 registered. ($94.00) Only "odd" encounter was the lady at the USPS window said "I was... Show more