Make sure you get your LEVEL 1 Documents Reviewed! There has only been a couple that didn't need any changes. Remember Format matters, this is a...
Without knowing one's standing, they have no status. Build your foundation of comprehension .
Bruce Cherry is friends with :Gwendolyn-Chantini; .Conarton:
Cindy zackman is friends with Bruce Cherry
The is a place for people from Michigan to collaborate and help each other through the process of becoming a State National. The more we work...
It was an honor to work with each and everyone! If you have a moment or two... Please evaluate my services if I have reviewed your documents. Thank...
LEVEL 1 Freedom Bundle Document Review, Tips & Tricks & MOREJulia Jacobs is friends with Bruce Cherry
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ You are amazing, and I look forward to working with you as I proceed into level II
How is it possible for Nancy to be in all the places I'm in need of working in? You are a machine... Appreciate ya a ton. I was able to locate one...
I was hoping for more activity on this new site for Michigan. I'm in the final stages of reviewing my AoR for submission. Once I have the Passport,...I was hoping for more activity on this new site for Michigan. I'm in the final stages of reviewing my AoR for submission. Once I have the Passport, I intend to move fast through level II, and do whatever is needed to get the Michigan assembly moving and populated. I don't even know what is involved in that phase yet, but intend to become a leader in this movement. Who's with me? Show more
The Bible on Property - Came up in my daily email from the Berean. Thought I'd share for thought.
Bruce Cherry is friends with Grandma Sandy