We The People  of the United States, in Order to restore our Union of States,  reestablish Justice, reassure domestic Tranquility, support the common defense, reestablish the general Welfare of the Union, and secure the Blessings of freedom and Liberty to ourselves, our Posterity, do hereby assemble for the enforcement of the Constitution for the United States of America.

The state of our union is: to say the least, not good.  We the People have been hit from so many different angles; where do we start?  Could any of us tolerate listening to one more politician tell us that the state of the union or the state of the state is strong?

It has become painfully clear and many of us are fed up with the performance of our government that was created to govern by the consent of the People.

When our state legislatures fail to protect the integrity and borders of our states, what are we the people to do when the government needs corrective measures?

The answer does not lie on the ammo box nor at the end of the barrel of a gun.  The war for our freedom has already been waged, established and price paid by our founding generation.

We the People have inherited some of the most beautiful and powerful papers written by the hand of man.  We know them as our Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution for the United States of America and the Northwest Compact/Ordinance. These, the foundation of our nation is listed in the US Code as the Organic Laws of our Nation.  

For how do we the people repair or restore what has been mutilated, cast aside and undermined by the corporations acting as government? How do we restore what the People created to protect our freedom, liberty and our Rights, those that are of Nature and Nature's God from the failings and egos of mankind?

For that answer, we must start at the beginning, the foundation, where freedom and dominion are derived from.