Question: Revocation of Election - What # is considered "US Authenticated Certificate of Live Birth #? I have 2 on my BC One on the Left Top in Red and one on the Right Top - Birth No.
? What or How - Forensic Lab Report or Private DNA #: ...... Please explain. To be honest none of this information is any of the Feds business, in my opinion (although I know they already have it).
Nancy B.Abatement needs to be looked up in the 1st edition of Blacks Law Dictionary
I can't add the pdf file here since it is over 8MB .. I will try to...Abatement needs to be looked up in the 1st edition of Blacks Law Dictionary
I can't add the pdf file here since it is over 8MB .. I will try to email it to youShow more2 years ago
Nancy B.Authenticated Certificate is when you send the BC to the state to get authenticated and then again to the FEDs to get it authenticated a second...Authenticated Certificate is when you send the BC to the state to get authenticated and then again to the FEDs to get it authenticated a second is not a numberShow more2 years ago
Mary ClydeThere are various uses for the word Abatement, going to guess it's Abatement of Freehold, which would be my AOR.2 years ago