This group will enable us to network with each other within the state of Florida.
This group will enable us to network with each other for: sharing knowledge of state specific processes involved in reclaiming our freedom and...
Come on all you great Floridians, Lets rock this!
Although very new to the process, I would like to establish a meeting venue where State Nationals and soon to be State Nationals can work together...
Florida State NationalsThis group will enable us to network with each other for: sharing knowledge of state specific processes involved in reclaiming our freedom and...
Lorissa Driggers - updated group, Florida State Nationals
This group will enable us to network with each other for: sharing knowledge of state specific processes involved in reclaiming our freedom and rightful ownership of our property, to help each other in potential legal situations, to organize events, and to support each other. This will be a spring board for enacting change in our local communities