I learned about the possibility of becoming a state national when Ann Vandersteel mentioned it last year during the Clay Clark Time to Free America tours. I lost my job thanks to Brandon's jab mandates in March of this year. I am trying to catch up on reviewing the suggested educational material and want to attend one of the upcoming seminars. I am tired of the anti-constitutional abusive government in this country. I have no intention of bowing to mandates. digital IDs, Neuralink, whatever other crazy thing is unleashed upon us. I am tire of paying crazy property taxes. of being my income sucked out via taxes. In 1978 my Dad pushed our family to emigrate out of the Soviet Union, so that we could get away from the sort of stuff we are now seeing in America. I am hoping for the sake of my (and all) children and their future that arming myself with knowledge and, if there are just enough of us in numbers, that it will help us free this country and return it back to the people.